5 Ways To Make ChatGPT Sound Like A Human! (2024)

5 Ways To Make ChatGPT Sound Like A Human! (2024)
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Humanize Text

How To Make ChatGPT Sound Like A Human

A surprising trick has breathed new life into ChatGPT conversations, making them sound more like chatting with a friend than interacting with a computer. The key? Adjusting the tone of its responses to be straightforward, chatty, and free of complicated terms. This approach doesn't just make ChatGPT's answers seem less robotic; it also opens up a whole new level of usefulness. Now, whether you're looking for advice, information, or just a casual chat, the experience feels much more natural. This article will show you how a few simple tweaks can significantly improve your interaction with AI, making it easier and more enjoyable to get the help or information you need.

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1. Avoiding Overused Words

A key factor that sets apart the text generated by ChatGPT from what a human might write is often the choice of words. ChatGPT has a tendency to lean on certain terms more frequently than a human would, which can sometimes give its responses a distinctive, less natural feel.

Adapting Vocabulary for More Natural Interactions

The Process of Paraphrasing

Once you've pinpointed these commonly used words, the next step is to encourage ChatGPT to paraphrase its responses. This means asking it to replace those frequent terms with alternatives that might be more commonly found in human dialogue or text. This process doesn't just apply to single words but also to phrases and the overall tone.

Practical Tips for Implementing Changes

Directly Requesting Paraphrases

You can directly ask ChatGPT to use different words in its responses. For example, if you notice it uses the word "utilize" often, you might ask it to use "use" instead. This straightforward approach quickly shifts the tone of the conversation.

Setting the Tone Through Example

Another effective strategy is to model the kind of language you're looking for in your own inputs. ChatGPT picks up on cues from the way questions or statements are framed and will adjust its language accordingly. If you prefer a casual tone, make sure your questions and statements reflect that.

2. Setting Your Tone Of Voice

When you interact with ChatGPT, the way you phrase your questions or statements plays a significant role in shaping the responses you get. This is because ChatGPT operates by analyzing the input it receives and tailoring its responses to match the tone and style of that input. Essentially, it mirrors the way you communicate with it.

Setting the Right Tone

Professional vs. Casual Conversations

If your goal is to have a conversation that sounds professional and formal, it's crucial to use a tone that reflects this. Incorporate precise language, clear structure, and perhaps more formal greetings or sign-offs. This signals to ChatGPT the level of formality you're expecting in return.

On the flip side, if a friendly and casual response fits your needs better, let your own messaging reflect that. Use informal language, contractions (like "it's" instead of "it is"), and more relaxed phrasing. This approach tells ChatGPT that a laid-back and conversational tone is preferred.

Why Tone Matters

The tone you use directly influences how ChatGPT understands and responds to your queries. By consciously setting the tone, you're guiding the AI to generate responses that are more aligned with your expectations, whether you're seeking advice, information, or just a casual chat. This customization makes interactions more effective and enjoyable.

Practical Advice for Tone Adjustment

Be Consistent

Consistency in your tone helps ChatGPT maintain a steady response style throughout the conversation. If you start formally but then switch to a casual tone, the responses might mix elements of both, potentially leading to confusion or a less cohesive exchange.

Use Examples

If you're unsure how to set the tone, think about how you would explain your question or statement to a person. Would you be formal and detailed or casual and brief? Use this as a guide for your interactions with ChatGPT.

Feedback is Key

Remember, if the responses aren't quite hitting the mark, adjust your tone or clarify your expectations in subsequent messages. ChatGPT learns from each interaction, making it a dynamic tool that improves as you use it.

Explain What The Output Will Be Used For

When aiming to make ChatGPT's responses feel more tailored and personal, the context you provide is incredibly important. By context, we mean the background information and specifics about the situation you're asking ChatGPT to respond to. This includes the language and vocabulary you typically use, details about who you're talking to or writing for, and any relevant information about your level of understanding or expertise on the topic.

How to Effectively Set the Context

Use Language That Reflects Your Style

Start by using the language and vocabulary that come naturally to you in a conversation. This helps ChatGPT grasp your communication style, allowing it to mirror that style back to you. Whether your language is formal, casual, or somewhere in between, leading by example gives ChatGPT the best chance to match your tone.

Clarify Your Audience

Who are you writing or speaking to? Whether it's a professional email to a colleague, a casual message to a friend, or an explanation for a child, let ChatGPT know. Understanding your audience allows ChatGPT to adjust its responses to suit the intended reader or listener.

Explain Your Understanding

If you're diving into a topic, it helps to share your current level of knowledge or understanding. Are you a beginner looking for simple explanations, or do you have advanced knowledge seeking detailed analysis? Providing this context helps ChatGPT to tailor the complexity of its responses to your needs.

Specify the Topic Context

The more details you can give about the subject matter, the better. If your question involves a specific scenario, event, or detail, include that information in your query. This allows ChatGPT to generate responses that are not only accurate but also relevant to the specific context you're dealing with.

4. Using Perspectives

Directly telling ChatGPT what you need it to do is crucial for a productive exchange. ChatGPT is designed to follow instructions with focus and determination. Whether you're asking for something within its capabilities or venturing into areas where it's less adept, you'll receive a response that adds value to your inquiry.

Understanding ChatGPT's Performance

When It Shines

ChatGPT excels at tasks involving language processing, information synthesis, and generating text based on specific prompts. If your request falls within these areas, expect ChatGPT to perform remarkably well. This includes writing essays, summarizing articles, or generating creative stories.

Accepting Limitations

There are instances where ChatGPT might not meet expectations, especially with tasks requiring real-time information, deep emotional understanding, or highly specialized knowledge. In these moments, it's less about the disappointment and more about appreciating the attempt. Every interaction, successful or not, is a learning opportunity.

Maximizing Value Through Specific Instructions

Be Clear and Direct

When interacting with ChatGPT, clarity is your best friend. Specify exactly what you're looking for, whether it's a detailed explanation, a brief overview, or creative content. The more specific you are, the better ChatGPT can tailor its response to meet your needs.

Learn from Each Exchange

Every response from ChatGPT, whether it hits the mark or falls short, offers insights. If the outcome isn't what you expected, consider adjusting your prompt or providing more context. This iterative process enhances the quality of interactions over time.

ChatGPT Prompt For Human Writing

Combining everything above, here is a prompt to submit to ChatGPT to get a more 'humanized' output.

"I'm working on a project that requires content which closely resembles human writing. To achieve this, I need your assistance in crafting responses that are engaging, natural, and tailored to a specific audience. Here's what I'm looking for:

  1. Avoid Overused Words and Phrases: Please minimize the use of words and phrases that are typically over-reliant in AI-generated texts. Instead, opt for diverse vocabulary and expressions that you'd expect in everyday human conversations. If you tend to use the word "_____" frequently, please replace it with more varied language.
  2. Tone of Voice: The tone for this task should be _____ (e.g., professional, casual, informative, friendly). Reflect this through your choice of words, sentence structure, and overall writing style. Your tone should help convey the intended mood and connect with the audience on a personal level.
  3. Contextual Understanding: This content is intended for _____ (e.g., a blog post, an email, a report) aimed at an audience of _____ (describe the audience, e.g., professionals in a specific field, teenagers, general public). The subject matter is _____, and it's important that the content is accessible and engaging to those with _____ (specify the level of knowledge or interest, e.g., beginner-level understanding, high interest).
  4. Use of Perspectives: To enrich the content, incorporate perspectives or examples that highlight different aspects of the topic. This can involve presenting multiple viewpoints, sharing anecdotes, or drawing comparisons to make the content more relatable and insightful.
  5. Perplexity and Burstiness: I'm looking for a mix of straightforward explanations and creative insights. Feel free to vary the complexity and novelty of your responses to keep the reader engaged."


To make ChatGPT's responses align more closely with your personal style and the needs of your conversation, it's crucial to provide detailed context. This includes using your typical language and vocabulary, specifying who the audience is, outlining your current understanding of the topic, and describing the specific subject matter.

True Or False?

ChatGPT generated content can be detected by Google and Teachers?