'Echowritten by Twixify' is a series of articles on random trending topics, usually about internet trends or word definitions. These articles are fully generated by ChatGPT, then fact-corrected, customized, and paraphrased using Twixify. To see how you can make ChatGPT write in your own tone of voice, check out Twixify's custom mode.
Try GPTZero For FREE
GPTZero is a new tool designed to analyze text and determine whether it was generated by a human or an AI, like ChatGPT. It utilizes machine learning techniques, specifically Perplexity and Burstiness, to assess the predictability and consistency of language. Unlike other AI detection tools such as Winston and ZeroGPT (an obvious competitor of GPTZero), GPTZero does not look into as many factors of AI content, however it is still considered to be one of the most effective websites for AI detection, most likely due to it's well-developed algorithm.
I've been using GPTZero for a while to check the authenticity of texts—be it articles, essays, or reports—to see if they're written by humans or generated by AI. Here’s my detailed experience, broken down into simple tests and observations.
First, I tried GPTZero with an article about the Lexus LFA created by an AI tool. I pasted the text into GPTZero’s text box—found easily on their main page—and hit the ‘Analyze’ button. It took just a few seconds, and the tool indicated the article was 100% AI-generated. This didn't surprise me since I knew the origin of the text, but it was reassuring to see GPTZero spot it right off the bat.
Next, I tested a human-written piece from a well-known automotive magazine. This time, I copied text from a digital PDF into GPTZero. Again, it quickly processed the text and accurately identified it as human-written, giving it a 99% human score. This matched up perfectly with GPTZero’s claim of high accuracy for human text detection, which gave me a lot more confidence in its reliability.
For a tougher challenge, I threw a mix at it—news articles, blog posts, and product reviews—all in one go. This was to see how well it could handle a variety of text types and writing styles. The results were a bit mixed here. While it did great with the human texts, identifying most of them correctly, its performance dipped slightly with AI-generated texts, hitting around 83% accuracy. It seems the tool struggles a bit more with varied AI content, which is something to keep in mind if you’re using it in scenarios with mixed text sources.
It’s clear GPTZero is more attuned to straightforward tasks like confirming human-written content. However, the slight dip in performance with AI texts suggests it might need more frequent updates or a better algorithm tweak to keep up with the evolving AI writing styles. That said, it's been a useful tool in my toolkit for maintaining content integrity and spotting AI use where it might not be obvious.
To evaluate GPTZero's accuracy, I conducted a test using a text generated by ChatGPT. Employing specific prompts to avoid common words which are overused by ChatGPT, we aimed to challenge GPTZero's classification capabilities.
From my repeated tests, GPTZero typically hits around 70-90% accuracy in detecting standard AI-generated content. However, with the custom ChatGPT prompts, the accuracy can drop to about 50-60%. This shows a significant variance, highlighting the influence of text complexity and structure on detection tools.
See All Pricing Plans
As someone who frequently uses AI detection tools, I've had a good amount of experience with GPTZero's pricing structure. Let me break it down for you in simple terms.
GPTZero offers three main plans. Each plan provides a specific number of words you can scan each month:
If you decide to go with an annual subscription, there’s a 33% discount. This is a big save if you're sure you'll need the tool throughout the year. I switched to this after a few months once I saw how useful it was, and it cut down my costs significantly.
For anyone new to GPTZero, there’s a free trial available. This was how I started, and it's a great way to see if the tool meets your needs without any commitment. You’ll be able to test out the features and see how accurate it is with different texts.
When you’re on their website, choosing a plan is straightforward. Just click on the ‘Pricing’ tab at the top, select the plan that fits your needs, and then hit ‘Subscribe’. Payment is easy too; you can use major credit cards or online payment systems.
I find myself using the Premium Plan most often—it offers a good balance between word count and cost. It’s perfect for managing my regular checks without worrying about going over the limit. Also, always keep an eye on the word count tracker in your account dashboard; it helps to avoid unexpected overages.
Lastly, the integration with Canvas and Microsoft Word has made it even easier to use GPTZero in educational and professional settings. Installing the add-on is straightforward. For Word, you go to the Add-ins store and search for GPTZero. For Canvas, you need to add it from the Canvas App Center. This lets you scan documents directly within these platforms, which is great for checking assignments and reports without having to leave the app.
I've been using the GPTZero Chrome extension quite often. It's super handy for quickly scanning text directly on web pages. If you're an educator or someone who checks a lot of documents online, like on Google Docs, this tool is a lifesaver. Just head to the Chrome Web Store, search for GPTZero, and click 'Add to Chrome'. It sits right up next to your address bar, and you can click on it to scan whatever text you're viewing.
For those who need AI detection built into their own platforms, GPTZero offers an API. This has been crucial for my workflow, as it lets me integrate AI detection into the systems I already use, without storing any documents. You can access the API documentation directly on GPTZero’s website under the ‘API’ section. It guides you on how to integrate and use it in your own applications.
The Human Writing Report is something I find invaluable, especially when dealing with accusations of AI-generated work. Many students I work with use this to prove their work is their own. The tool checks the writing to show it's written by a human, not copied from an AI tool. You can find this feature on the GPTZero dashboard. Just upload the document, and it generates a report pretty quickly—usually takes a couple of minutes depending on the length.
In terms of frequency, I use these tools almost daily. The Chrome extension is probably my most used tool because it’s so easy to activate while browsing. It’s good at detecting AI text fast, which helps when I’m in a pinch. The API is more of a set-and-forget tool in my system, but it’s reassuring to know it’s always there, running in the background.
In my experience using GPTZero to check text authenticity, I've found it quick and efficient for confirming if texts are AI-generated or human-written, like when I tested it with an article about the Lexus LFA and a human-written editorial, achieving high accuracy on human texts. However, it can be less reliable with mixed-genre AI content, which sometimes results in lower accuracy. I appreciate its speed and ease of use, but I wish it handled varied AI-generated content better.
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