11 Ways To Tell if Something Was Written by ChatGPT [2024]

11 Ways To Tell if Something Was Written by ChatGPT [2024]
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Humanize AI Text

A lot of people use AI like ChatGPT for all sorts of things these days, from simple tasks like finding a good recipe to bigger ones like planning a trip or writing code. But what happens when it gets used for things it probably shouldn't, like helping someone pass a test or even graduate? Yes, ChatGPT can write pretty well, but sometimes it's pretty obvious when something's been written by an AI, especially if the request was just a simple, "Write this for me." If you're not someone who writes or edits for a living, you might wonder if there's a way to tell if what you're reading came from ChatGPT. And the good news is, there is a way to spot it.

In this piece, we're going to talk about how you can tell if something was written by ChatGPT and what you can do about it. We'll show you how to spot the signs of AI-written content so you can be more aware of what you're reading online. It's not just about catching people who might be trying to cheat; it's also about understanding how much AI is being used in the things we read every day.

Humanize ChatGPT's Output To Bypass AI Detection ↓
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How to Tell if Something Was Written by ChatGPT

When trying to figure out if a piece of text was created by ChatGPT, there are a couple of key points to consider. Let’s break them down in a way that's easy to grasp, focusing on practical advice and clear explanations.

Spot Repetitive Patterns and Surface-Level Details

One of the first things you might notice in a text generated by an AI like ChatGPT is the repetition of certain phrases or ideas. This happens because, sometimes, the AI can get stuck on a specific concept, causing it to circle back to it more than a human writer typically would.

Also, the details in AI-generated text can often feel a bit generic. While the information might be correct, it might not dive deep into the subject. It’s good at giving you the broad strokes but might not capture the nuanced insights a specialist would offer.

Notice Formatting Oddities

Another giveaway is how the text is formatted. AI-generated texts can sometimes display unusual formatting choices. This could be anything from the way bullet points are used, to headings, or even odd spaces between paragraphs. While humans can certainly make formatting errors, a consistent pattern of strange formatting in a document could hint at AI involvement.

Using Detection Tools

There are online tools such as Originality AI which are designed to determine if text is AI-generated. These tools analyze your text and estimate the likelihood of it being produced by an AI. While helpful, these tools aren't perfect and should be used as part of a broader analysis rather than the sole determinant.

Why This Matters

Understanding whether a piece of text was written by AI like ChatGPT can be crucial for assessing the reliability and depth of the information provided. While AI can produce highly readable and accurate text, it might not always capture the full complexity of a subject or offer the unique insights a human expert would.

Advice for Beginners

If you're just starting to explore how to distinguish AI-generated text from human-written content, here are a few steps to get you going:

  • Pay attention to how the text flows. Does it feel like it’s looping back on itself? Does it lack depth in areas where you’d expect more detailed insight?
  • Look at the formatting. Are there inconsistencies or odd choices that seem out of place?
  • Consider using detection tools as a supplementary check, but don’t rely solely on them for a definitive answer

11 Features To Differentiate Between ChatGPT & Human Text

When we look at the differences between text generated by ChatGPT and that written by humans, there are a few key areas to focus on. This understanding will help you discern between the two, improving your ability to evaluate and use AI-generated content effectively. Let's break it down.

1. Repetition and Predictability

ChatGPT tends to repeat phrases more than a human would. This happens because it's learning from vast amounts of text where certain phrases are common. While repetition can sometimes aid in emphasizing a point, excessive repetition is more a trait of AI than human writing. Be on the lookout for patterns or phrases that seem to loop back.

2. Creativity and Originality

Humans are inherently creative, often using language in unique ways, including idiomatic expressions or a personal writing style. ChatGPT, while advanced, still learns from existing data, which means it might not always match the creative flair or original thought a human can offer. This is not to say AI can't be creative, but its creativity is derived from patterns it has learned, not personal experience or imagination.

3. Error Types

Both humans and AI can make mistakes, but the nature of these errors differs. Humans might make typos or grammatical errors out of carelessness or lack of knowledge. ChatGPT, however, tends to make systematic errors, such as using a word in the wrong context or repeating words unnecessarily. These are clues to the text's origin.

4. Personal Experience

This is a big giveaway. ChatGPT does not have personal experiences. It can simulate personal anecdotes based on the data it's been fed, but these are not based on lived experiences. If a piece of text includes detailed personal stories or emotions tied to real-world experiences, it's likely written by a human.

5. Flow and Cohesion

The way ideas are connected in a piece of writing can indicate its source. Human-written text tends to have a natural flow, connecting ideas smoothly. ChatGPT can sometimes produce text that feels disjointed or lacks a logical progression, though advancements in AI are continually improving on this front.

6. Emotional Depth

Capturing the complexity of human emotions is challenging for AI. ChatGPT might not fully replicate nuanced sentiments or the depth of tone found in human writing. If a text deeply resonates on an emotional level, it's likely human-crafted.

7. Consistency and Context

AI, including ChatGPT, is designed to produce consistent and relevant responses to the input it receives. However, it might generate content that, while coherent, lacks context or deviates from expected norms in subtle ways. This can sometimes make AI-generated text feel less grounded in reality.

8. Overused Words

It's actually pretty common for ChatGPT to commonly use the same words over and over again in different responses. Some common examples include 'understanding' and 'mastering'. That said, one of the best ways to instantly make your text sound more human is by removing words that ChatGPT uses a lot.

9. Uniformity and Consistency

AI-generated text often lacks the nuances and inconsistencies of human writing. Text may have a uniform tone, style, and level of detail throughout, which can be a clue.

10. Depth of Knowledge

While ChatGPT can provide information up to its last update, it might not be current. If the content lacks recent information or context, it could be AI-generated. Additionally, AI writing can sometimes be vague or generic on topics that would benefit from specific insights or experiences.

11. Use of Filler and Neutral Phrases

Text generated by AI sometimes includes filler material or neutral phrases designed to make the text seem more fluid without adding substantial information or value.


To determine if a text is AI-generated, like by ChatGPT, observe for repetitive phrases and a lack of deep insights, which suggest AI authorship. Additionally, unusual formatting can also be a clue. Use detection tools for a secondary check.

True Or False?

ChatGPT generated content can be detected by Google and Teachers?