2 EASY Ways To Bypass ZeroGPT [2024] - Twixify.com

2 EASY Ways To Bypass ZeroGPT [2024] - Twixify.com
"This DESTROYED My ChatGPT Workflow!"
- Ezekiel Whitlock, Forbes Editor
Used By 1000s Of Writers, Students, SEOs & Marketers, Twixify Is The #1 Tool For Bypassing AI-Detection!
Humanize AI Text

What Is ZeroGPT

ZeroGPT logo showing a human brain icon.

ZeroGPT (not to be mistaken for GPTZero) is a tool I use to check if text has been written by an AI or a human. It's quite handy, especially when I'm reviewing documents or browsing content where the authorship isn't clear. Let's break down how it works, step by step. In terms of performance, I’d say ZeroGPT is quite effective. It correctly identifies AI-generated text about 90% of the time in my tests. This level of accuracy is impressive and really helps when I'm trying to ensure the authenticity of the content.

How ZeroGPT Works

When I use ZeroGPT, I upload a document or input text directly into the platform. It scans and analyzes the writing, using advanced algorithms to detect patterns that typically indicate AI involvement. This technology isn't just checking for simple giveaways; it's comparing the text against a database of known AI writing styles and markers.

ZeroGPT Detection

Trusted GPT-4, ChatGPT and AI Detector tool by ZeroGPT

Sentence-Level Detection

First off, ZeroGPT looks at individual sentences. This is where it starts to figure out if the writing style matches typical AI patterns or human nuances. I find this super useful because it allows me to pinpoint exactly where the text might start sounding a bit too robotic or unnaturally perfect, which is often a giveaway that it's AI-generated.

User Experience

From my experience, ZeroGPT is straightforward to use. It doesn’t just throw out a yes or no answer; it gives me a detailed breakdown of each section of the text. This means I'm not left guessing why it thinks a piece of content is AI-generated—I see exactly which parts triggered the classification.

Why Bypass ZeroGPT?

Maintaining the appearance of human authorship is crucial. I've found that ensuring AI-written content remains undetected by tools like ZeroGPT safeguards its perceived authenticity. This is vital because readers associate authenticity with credibility. When content is flagged as AI-generated, its trustworthiness is often questioned, even if the information is accurate.

Broader Reach and Avoidance of Filters

My experience has also shown that undetected AI content achieves a wider audience reach. Content filters and algorithms may penalize or restrict the distribution of AI-generated articles, seeing them as less desirable or trustworthy. By bypassing these detections, the content remains in circulation longer and reaches more people. This advantage is significant in competitive fields where information dissemination speed and reach are critical.

Maintaining Reader Trust

From my frequent interactions with content generation and analysis tools, I've noticed that readers value consistency and quality that aligns with human output. Delivering AI-enhanced content without detection preserves this trust. Readers appreciate and rely on consistent quality, often unaware of the AI's involvement, which solidifies their trust in the content source. This trust is pivotal in maintaining a loyal audience or customer base.

How To Bypass ZeroGPT Detection

So there are two methods that i like to use when bypassing ZeroGPT out of all other AI detectors. The first one is free but takes time and isn't always effective because it only takes into account 1 of many other factors of AI-generated text. The second method isn't free but it's far more effective and also less time-consuming.

Method 1 - Get Past ZeroGPT With ChatGPT

This man is using ChatGPT to humanize his text

You can bypass ZeroGPT in some cases simply by asking ChatGPT to rewrite it's response but by substitution certain words that make it obvious that it was AI-written.

Step 1: Generate Initial Content

First, use ChatGPT to create the initial draft of your text. This could be anything from an article to a report or any content you need.

Step 2: Identify Key AI Indicators

Review the text and identify words or phrases that are typically associated with AI-generated content. These might include overly formal phrases, technical jargon, or repetitive language that doesn't sound quite natural. I've actually listed pretty much all the overused AI words for you to use, which can be found here.

Step 3: Craft Your Rewrite Prompt

Once you’ve identified potential AI indicators, prepare a prompt for ChatGPT that specifically asks it to rephrase the text. Here’s an example of how you might structure your prompt:

"Please rewrite the following text by replacing overly formal phrases with more conversational language, substituting technical terms with simpler words, and ensuring the tone sounds natural and engaging."

Step 4: Input the Rewrite Prompt

Submit your crafted prompt to ChatGPT along with the text you want rewritten. Make sure to include the text that needs adjustment.

Step 5: Evaluate the Rewritten Text

After receiving the revised text from ChatGPT, read through it to ensure that it sounds natural and human-like. Check if the new version eliminates or alters the indicators that might suggest it was AI-generated.

Step 6: Test with ZeroGPT

For a final check, you might run the revised text through ZeroGPT to see if it successfully bypasses the AI detection. If it still gets flagged, you might need to repeat the previous steps, focusing on further adjustments until the text passes as human-written.

Method 2 - Bypass ZeroGPT Using Twixify

Twixify Homepage

Copy the AI-Generated Content

Start by gathering the content that an AI tool has produced. This might be from any popular AI writing tool. The content's origin doesn't impact the process, making it versatile for various sources.

Input the Text into Twixify

Locate the specific input box on the Twixify platform— found prominently on the left of the interface—and paste the AI-generated text. This initial step is critical as it sets the stage for the customization process.

Humanize ChatGPT's Output To Bypass AI Detection ↓
Humanize Text
Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

Selecting the Correct Mode

For basic rephrasing needs, the standard setting on Twixify does the job. However, for a tool as sophisticated as ZeroGPT, opting for the custom mode is key. This setting unlocks deeper text adjustments, crucial for crafting a natural-sounding output.

Tailor Your Writing Style

In the custom mode, there's a feature to tweak the text to mirror your personal writing style. You can input samples of your own writing into a designated box, which Twixify uses to refine the AI's output. This step enhances the authenticity of the text, making it seem more human-like.

Customize Complexity and Depth

Adjust the complexity and depth to your preference, although keeping these settings on default often works well. This is particularly useful if the text needs to hit a certain readability score or fulfill SEO criteria.

Execute the Humanization Process

Press the 'humanize' button to convert your AI-generated text into a version that appears to be human-written. Twixify restructures the original content, maintaining the intended message but altering the delivery to avoid detection.

Verify with ZeroGPT

After Twixify processes the text, running it through ZeroGPT ensures it passes as human-written. This verification is crucial as it confirms the effectiveness of the humanization process by Twixify.


To bypass ZeroGPT detection and maintain the authenticity of AI-generated content, use Twixify for humanizing the text and implement manual strategies such as selective AI use and diverse prompts. This combination helps create content that resonates with readers while avoiding detection.

True Or False?

ChatGPT generated content can be detected by Google and Teachers?