3 NEW Ways To Humanize AI Text In 2024 - Twixify.com

3 NEW Ways To Humanize AI Text In 2024 - Twixify.com
"This DESTROYED My ChatGPT Workflow!"
- Ezekiel Whitlock, Forbes Editor
Used By 1000s Of Writers, Students, SEOs & Marketers, Twixify Is The #1 Tool For Bypassing AI-Detection!
Humanize Text

About half of business leaders are already using AI to help with their content, and it's clear why. It makes things faster and easier. But there's a catch: sometimes AI misses the human spark, leaving content feeling cold. I've spent ten years figuring out how to keep that spark alive, mixing AI efficiency with the unique style that makes your content special.

In this piece, I'm sharing my top 3 ways to keep your content feeling human and personal, even when you're using AI to help write it. Whether you're writing for yourself or a brand, these tips will make sure your voice stays loud and clear. From my own experience, blending AI with a personal touch not only keeps content engaging but also helps it stand out. Let's dive into how you can do this effectively, using AI without losing the personality that makes your writing unique.

Why Should You Humanize AI Content?

For whatever you use AI-generated text for, whether that'd be for SEO or school, there is some sort of disadvantage that comes with it. One of the key reasons to humanize AI content is that it naturally resonates more with readers. When content feels like it was written by a person, it's easier to read, more engaging, and can even feel like it's speaking directly to you. This isn't just about keeping your audience interested; it's about building trust. If your content clearly sounds like it was generated by an AI, people might start to doubt its authenticity, accuracy, or even its sincerity. Trust is crucial, especially online where credibility is constantly tested.

Another big reason to add a human touch to AI content is for SEO - that's how well your content does in search engine results. Search engines are getting better at telling if content is useful and engaging for readers. They look for signs that real people are finding what they write helpful. When your content is more human-like, it's more likely to get people to spend more time reading it, share it, or link to it. All of this tells search engines that your content is valuable, which can help your website show up higher in search results.

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How To Humanize AI Text With ChatGPT By Maintaining Voice

Now here's a way to humanize AI generated content for free. You can actually use ChatGPT Itself to make AI generated content sound like it was human written, here's how:

Gather up pieces of your writing, style guides, articles, even voice recordings—anything that represents how you want to communicate. This step is like showing a new team member examples of past projects so they get a sense of what's expected. Upload these examples to the AI platform. The idea here is to give the AI a clear picture of your voice and style.

Iterating and Refining

Here's where patience pays off. Teaching AI to mimic your style might not be perfect on the first try. Think of it as a collaborative process where both you and the AI are learning from each other. If the content it creates feels too stiff or too casual, adjust your guidance. It's a bit like editing a photo—sometimes you need to tweak the brightness or contrast to get it just right. Over time, the AI will get better at capturing your unique voice.

Maintaining Your Unique Voice

Even as AI gets better at sounding like you, remember, your creativity and personal touch are irreplaceable. AI is a powerful tool, but it's your ideas and creativity that make your content stand out. Use AI to make the process smoother and to support your work, not to replace the personal flair that only you can provide.

Example Scenario

Let's say you run a lifestyle blog that focuses on minimalist living and sustainable practices. Your blog posts are known for their warm, conversational tone, practical advice, and personal anecdotes that make readers feel like they're getting advice from a friend. You want to use AI to help draft blog posts, but it's crucial that the AI captures the unique voice and ethos of your brand.

Crafting Your Prompt for ChatGPT

"Write a blog post about the benefits of decluttering your home, focusing on how it can lead to a more mindful and sustainable lifestyle. The tone should be warm and friendly, as if you're sharing personal insights with a close friend. Include practical tips based on personal experiences, and emphasize the idea that less is often more. The post should inspire readers to consider decluttering not just as a way to reduce physical clutter, but as a step towards a more intentional way of living. Please weave in the importance of making environmentally conscious choices when deciding what to keep, donate, or recycle."

Why This Works

This prompt provides clear instructions on the desired tone, the kind of content that should be included, and the overarching message of the post. By specifying that the tone should be warm and conversational and that the content should include personal anecdotes and practical tips, you're guiding the AI to produce content that aligns with your brand's voice and values. Additionally, mentioning the need to incorporate sustainable living practices helps ensure that the content remains true to the blog's focus.

How To Humanize AI Content With ChatGPT By Adding Personal Experiences & Knowledge

There are a few ways to humanize AI text, at least 17 to be exact. This method has been the second most effective not just for me, but also all of my SEO buddies who own content sites.

Sharing personal experiences in your content is like opening a window into your real-world adventures, showing how theories apply in practice. This approach not only makes your message more relatable but also builds trust with your audience. Let's explore how to weave these stories into your writing effectively, focusing on clarity and engagement.

The Power of Real-Life Examples

Consider a scenario where you've used a specific strategy or tool and seen tangible results. Sharing this story does a few things. First, it shows you've walked the path and faced the challenges your readers might be encountering. Second, it provides a concrete example of how applying a certain technique can lead to success.

For instance, if you're talking about the effectiveness of a productivity app, recounting how it helped you manage your tasks better and saved you an hour each day speaks volumes. It's not just a claim; it's evidence from your life.

Crafting Your Story

When sharing your story, clarity is key. Break down your experience into digestible parts:

  • Background: Briefly set the scene. What challenge were you facing?
  • Action: Describe what you did, step by step. What specific features of the product or strategy did you use?
  • Results: Share the outcome. How did the situation improve?

Avoid overcomplicating the narrative. Keep your language simple and direct. The goal is for readers to easily grasp the situation, the actions you took, and the results you achieved.

Adding a Personal Touch Without Losing Professionalism

Even in a professional context, showing a bit of your personality makes your writing more engaging. You don't need to crack jokes or ask rhetorical questions, but you can certainly share your thoughts and reactions as you recount your story. Did you feel surprised, relieved, or excited by the results? Sharing these emotions can make your narrative more compelling.


Let's say you're writing an article about the benefits of daily journaling for mental health. You've read about the advantages, such as improved mood and reduced stress levels, but you want to make your content more engaging and trustworthy. You decide to share a personal story about how journaling has impacted your own life.

Your Personal Story: Six months ago, you felt overwhelmed with work and personal responsibilities. You read about journaling and decided to give it a try. Every night, you wrote down your thoughts, feelings, and the day's events. Initially, it felt like an extra task, but gradually, you noticed a shift. Your mind felt clearer, you became more mindful of your emotions, and your stress levels decreased significantly. This change was so profound that it surprised you, and you've since become an advocate for daily journaling.

Prompt for ChatGPT:

"Can you help me write an article about the psychological benefits of daily journaling? I want to include a personal story to illustrate my points. Six months ago, I started journaling to manage stress from work and personal life. Despite initial skepticism, this habit helped clear my mind, made me more aware of my emotions, and significantly reduced my stress levels. I'd like the article to explain the benefits of journaling, supported by scientific research, and then segue into my personal experience as a case study. The tone should be informative yet personal, aiming to convince readers to try journaling for themselves. Remember to use clear and straightforward language to maintain professionalism while keeping the article engaging and relatable."

How To Humanize AI Content With Twixify

This is by far the best way to humanize ai text because it only takes a few seconds and you can customize any variable.

Twixify is a new AI-powered tool that actually understands what your text is about before rewriting it in a way that doesn't sound like it was generated by a machine. It works on more than just ChatGPT. I tested it on a few outputs from Jasper, SurferSEO and even Writesonic. Twixify managed to effectively rewrite the texts whilst still retaining meaning. Here's what i mean:

97 human score after text is processed through Twixify.
97% human score after text is processed through Twixify.

Just bear in mind that i did this test 4+ times with samples from each tool. The screenshots just show the average results i got from testing each tool.


I've tried all 17 methods of humanizing AI text. From manually rewriting to using a paraphrasing tool. In this article, I'll show you my findings so you don't have to go through the same process i went through to find the best way to humanize AI-generated text.

True Or False?

ChatGPT generated content can be detected by Google and Teachers?