How To Check If A Student Used ChatGPT? -

How To Check If A Student Used ChatGPT?  -
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- Ezekiel Whitlock, Forbes Editor
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2 Ways To Check If A Student Used ChatGPT In Their School Work?

As you may already know, heaps of students are cheating on assignments by using ChatGPT and other AI-writing tools. But here's the kicker: teachers can now catch this with special AI detection tools like Turnitin and GPTZero. These tools help teachers figure out if the student actually did the homework themselves or got a little "help" from AI.

So, how does this work? With Turnitin and GPTZero integrated into the grading process, teachers can instantly see the percentage of AI-generated content in any submitted work. It’s like using a plagiarism detector but for AI-written text. This makes it easier for teachers to ensure students are genuinely learning and not just coasting by on tech shortcuts. In this article, we’ll look at how you can use these AI detectors and understand how they work.

Can I Rely On AI-Detectors?

I recently did an experiment where I tested various text formats written by humans and generated by AI. Based on my own findings and the fact that AI detection tools are relied on by thousands of reputable schools and institutions around the world, I'd say they are pretty reliable.

These tools, like Turnitin and GPTZero, have sophisticated algorithms designed to spot the telltale signs of AI-generated content. In my tests, they consistently flagged the AI-generated texts while leaving the human-written ones alone. This level of accuracy helps maintain academic integrity and ensures that students are actually engaging with their work.

However, it’s important to use these tools as part of a broader strategy. While they are effective, they aren’t foolproof. There might be instances where highly sophisticated AI-generated text slips through or where creative human writing gets flagged incorrectly. This is why combining AI detection tools with traditional methods, like reviewing writing styles and understanding each student’s capabilities, can give a more comprehensive assessment.


Turnitin has become a go-to solution for educators looking to detect AI-generated text in student submissions. This tool is widely used by schools and institutions around the world, making it a trusted choice for maintaining academic integrity.

Who Uses Turnitin?

Turnitin is primarily used by teachers and academic institutions. It's integrated into the workflow of many reputable schools, colleges, and universities to ensure the originality of student work. Whether it's a high school teacher checking essays or a university professor reviewing research papers, Turnitin is a reliable tool for detecting plagiarism and AI-generated content.

How Effective is Turnitin?

Turnitin is highly effective at identifying AI-generated text. Its algorithms are designed to detect patterns and markers typical of AI writing, which helps differentiate between human-written and AI-generated content. In my tests, Turnitin consistently flagged AI-written passages, providing a clear indication of their origin. This accuracy makes it easier for teachers to trust the results and take appropriate action.

One of the key features of Turnitin is its comprehensive database. It compares student submissions against a vast repository of academic papers, websites, and previously submitted assignments. This extensive comparison helps in accurately identifying not just AI-generated text but also any form of plagiarism.

What Teachers Need to Know

Using Turnitin is straightforward. After students submit their work, Turnitin processes the text and generates a report highlighting any suspicious content. Teachers can review this report to see the percentage of AI-generated text and make informed decisions about grading and feedback.

While Turnitin is effective, it's not foolproof. Sometimes, highly sophisticated AI-generated text may slip through, or creative human writing might be flagged incorrectly. To address this, teachers should use Turnitin in conjunction with other assessment methods, like reviewing individual writing styles and understanding each student's abilities.


GPTZero is another powerful tool for educators aiming to detect AI-generated content in student submissions. Known for its precision and ease of use, GPTZero has become a staple in many academic institutions.

Who Uses GPTZero?

GPTZero is widely adopted by teachers, professors, and academic institutions globally. It's particularly popular in settings where maintaining academic honesty is crucial, such as high schools, colleges, and universities. Educators use it to ensure that student work reflects their true abilities and efforts, rather than relying on AI-generated assistance.

How Effective is GPTZero?

GPTZero is highly effective, with an estimated accuracy rate of around 90% in detecting AI-generated text. This means it can reliably distinguish between human-written content and text produced by AI models like ChatGPT. In my experiments, GPTZero consistently identified AI-generated passages, providing clear insights into the content's authenticity.

One of the strengths of GPTZero is its advanced algorithm, which analyzes various linguistic markers and patterns characteristic of AI writing. This allows it to detect subtle nuances that might go unnoticed by human reviewers. Additionally, GPTZero's database includes a wide array of AI-generated text samples, enhancing its detection capabilities.

What Teachers Need to Know

Using GPTZero is simple and effective. After students submit their work, GPTZero processes the text and generates a detailed report. This report highlights the sections that are likely AI-generated and provides an overall assessment of the submission's authenticity. Teachers can use this information to make informed decisions about grading and providing feedback.

While GPTZero is very accurate, it is not infallible. There might be cases where sophisticated AI-generated text goes undetected, or unique human writing is flagged. Therefore, it's best to use GPTZero alongside other evaluation methods to get a complete picture of a student's work.

Humanize ChatGPT's Output To Bypass AI Detection ↓
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Alright, here's the scoop. Teachers looking to catch students who might've leaned on ChatGPT for schoolwork can turn to tools like Turnitin and GPTZero. They're pretty handy. Turnitin, with its massive database, works like a charm for a good, thorough check, though it might accidentally flag some creative human pieces from time to time. GPTZero’s got sharp eyes when it comes to precision but it sometimes slips up with really sophisticated AI texts. The smart play? Mix these tech tools with the classic old-school assessments for a balanced approach. Keep your eye on that combo, it’s what gets you the best results.

True Or False?

ChatGPT generated content can be detected by Google and Teachers?